Welcome to Armadale Infotech Innovation Inc.


In our everyday life, we are using technologies and materials invented during the 70s 80s and 90s.

Many people, businesses and organisations were ignorant of the changes and left out of the benefits of progress.

We want you to stay competitive, ready and relevant in our changing world!

Join us!

Photo by david henrichs on Unsplash

Countless inventions are waiting for us to experiment with and use.

Some examples are as follows:


Quantum Computing https://quantumexperience.ng.bluemix.net/qx/experience learn about and try programming quantum computers Quantum Computing 2018 Update https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeuIop_j2bI

What we offer to our members

For individual members, we offer our help to:

  • learn faster,
  • learn future skills for employment
  • handle and use new inventions
  • match local business needs with local expertise

For local businesses:

  • we advise available innovative ways that enable higher profit and productivity
  • research for industry-specific innovation to drive efficiency and competitiveness


Creating a "Toy Library" so members can borrow and use advanced electronic devices for their projects, learn and develop new gadgets.

Brain Computer Interface devices to control devices by our brain

For example drones, gimbals, dashcams, GoPro video cameras, specialist software 

We can find innovative and proven ways to:

Learn easier for example by using concept mapping

As computational power allows science and technology progress exponentially faster and faster, traditional education cannot keep up with the needs of the future business. 

The speed of learning and quality knowledge transfer is key to success. We learn methods, for example, concept maps by The Institute for Human & Machine Cognition (IHMC) pioneers technologies aimed at leveraging and extending human capabilities.

We are not entirely under the spell of artificial intelligence yet, but we can sense that technologies could soon push us over the edge. Following is a link for a video about artificial intelligence  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrNs0M77Pd4 

There is an urgent need for faster learning and agile knowledge transfer methodology in teaching now of what business will need in the future.

One learning alternative is "HyperLearning: self-directed, passion-driven learning using the Internet."   https://www.diygenius.com/about/


We research and want to make available techniques and technologies for our members.

Members can learn and experiment with new technologies that are available, too expensive for individuals to purchase.

Join us and learn fast, be in front using advanced technologies of today and be ready for future jobs now. Your membership fee what is funding the purchases and as a member, you can benefit from the science and technology of today and the future.


Be part of our organisation! No prior digital technology or science background knowledge required. We meet regularly and discuss cutting-edge digital technologies and their applications for the future.

We study inventions and discuss ways to improve or combine them to create new designs. We do not want to become obsolete. Obsolete by 2030 - Humans need not apply!

Top 5 Best Future Gadgets And Future Technology Coming in 2018-2020 HD #6   

We will buy or find ways to acquire samples from manufacturers of newly invented items for club members to try.

Our not for profit organisation can use Microsoft and many other software products for learning and set up virtual labs for experimenting.

Chose your favourite future subject? Came to join us in knowledge and practice new ways of creating value by using:

RBA - Robotic Process Automation

Intelligent Apps (Chatbots, Virtual Assistants)

IoT (Internet of Things) - electronic, software, sensors (collect and exchange data)


Angular& React

Cloud Computing

Big Data

AR & VR (augmented and virtual reality)



Machine learning

Artificial Intelligence

How Robotic Process Automation and Artificial Intelligence Will Change Outsourcing

We are working on the implementation of using information technology innovations to make organisation management in the cloud cost-effective and straightforward.

Help us find the way to use AI, Big Data, Machine Learning to solve the challenge of creating cost-effective procedures and process, the establishment of documentation and storage for continuity of operations for tens of thousands of clubs and small business.

Helping clubs and community organisations run efficiently and smoothly while keeping it cost-effective and manageable.

Helping to create work experience and work opportunities for the local communities while simplifying community involvement in club activities.

One example of infotech innovation is RPA or Robotic Process Automation

PWC RPA short video explanation   
